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Edivan Guajajara
Zutiwa, Maranhão
Meu nome é Edivan Guajajara e pertenço ao povo indígena Guajajara, da aldeia Zutiwa, localizada no território da Terra Indígena Araribóia, no estado do Maranhão. Sou cineasta, profissional de mídias sociais, designer, fotógrafo e diretor do projeto "WE ARE GUARDIANS". Dedico-me à produção de etnomídia, trabalhando em colaboração com diversos povos indígenas. Meu objetivo é promover uma comunicação colaborativa em prol das organizações indígenas do Brasil.
Além disso, sou um dos membros e co-fundadores da MÍDIA ÍNDIGENA, uma rede de comunicadores indígenas que tem dado visibilidade às lutas dos povos originários. Juntamente com outros integrantes, como Erisvan Bone de Sousa Guajajara e Ronilson Lima Guajajara, tenho trabalhado para amplificar as vozes dos povos indígenas. Como ativista, utilizo a fotografia como uma ferramenta essencial para destacar a resistência de nosso povo ao longo de 523 anos de história. Minhas fotografias capturam detalhes marcantes da vida indígena, retratando de forma vívida a árdua batalha pela proteção territorial e pela defesa da Mãe Terra.
Por meio dos meus trabalhos como artista, busco trazer visibilidade e reconhecimento às lutas e culturas dos povos indígenas do Brasil.
My name is Edivan Guajajara, and I belong to the Guajajara indigenous people from the Zutiwa village, located within the territory of the Araribóia Indigenous Land, in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. I am a filmmaker, social media professional, designer, photographer, and director of the "WE ARE GUARDIANS" project. I dedicate myself to producing ethnomedia, collaborating with various indigenous peoples. My goal is to promote collaborative communication in support of indigenous organizations in Brazil.
Additionally, I am one of the members and co-founders of MÍDIA ÍNDIGENA, a network of indigenous communicators that has brought visibility to the struggles of indigenous peoples. Alongside other members, such as Erisvan Bone de Sousa Guajajara and Ronilson Lima Guajajara, I have worked to amplify the voices of indigenous peoples. As an activist, I use photography as an essential tool to highlight the resistance of our people over 523 years of history. My photographs capture striking details of indigenous life, vividly portraying the arduous battle for territorial protection and the defense of Mother Earth.
Through my work as an artist, I aim to bring visibility and recognition to the struggles and cultures of indigenous peoples in Brazil.
Quotes, Notes & Etc.
A sua ajuda me ajuda a dar visibilidade a luta dos povos Indígenas os defensores da floresta e da vida no planeta terra. Carrego comigo a minha câmera que também é a minha ferramenta de luta. Com a sua doação pode fazer a diferença. O planeta está em uma encruzilhada e nossas ações conjuntas são importantes para proteger o mundo natural do qual dependemos hoje e para definir um caminho rumo a um futuro melhor.
PAYPAL: [email protected]
Your help assists me in bringing visibility to the struggle of Indigenous peoples, the defenders of the forest and life on planet Earth. I carry with me my camera, which is also my tool of struggle. With your donation, you can make a difference. The planet is at a crossroads, and our joint actions are important to protect the natural world upon which we depend today and to chart a path towards a better future.
PAYPAL: [email protected]
Clips (more may be added)
The Integrated Global Creative Economy
⤷ A technological matrix uncoiling from the vast African, Indigenous, Sephardic and then Ashkenazic, European and Asian cultural matrix of Bahia and Brazil...
Wolfram Mathematics
⤷ Creators in reach of all humanity via integration into a worldwide "small-world" matrix structure (see Wolfram above)...
⤷ All closer than we imagine.
⤷ All discoverable by all.
In a small world great things are possible.
Alicia Svigals
"Thanks, this is a brilliant idea!!"
—Alicia Svigals (NEW YORK CITY): Apotheosis of klezmer violinists
"Dear Sparrow: I am thrilled to receive your email! Thank you for including me in this wonderful matrix."
—Susan Rogers (BOSTON): Director of the Berklee Music Perception and Cognition Laboratory ... Former personal recording engineer for Prince; "Purple Rain", "Sign o' the Times", "Around the World in a Day"
"Dear Sparrow, Many thanks for this – I am touched!"
—Julian Lloyd Webber (LONDON): Premier cellist in UK; brother of Andrew (Evita, Jesus Christ Superstar, Cats, Phantom of the Opera...)
"This is super impressive work ! Congratulations ! Thanks for including me :)))"
—Clarice Assad (RIO DE JANEIRO/CHICAGO): Pianist and composer with works performed by Yo Yo Ma and orchestras around the world
"We appreciate you including Kamasi in the matrix, Sparrow."
—Banch Abegaze (LOS ANGELES): manager, Kamasi Washington
"Thanks! It looks great!....I didn't write 'Cantaloupe Island' though...Herbie Hancock did! Great Page though, well done! best, Randy"
"Very nice! Thank you for this. Warmest regards and wishing much success for the project! Matt"
—Son of Jimmy Garrison (bass for John Coltrane, Bill Evans...); plays with Herbie Hancock and other greats...
Dear friends & colleagues,

Having arrived in Salvador 13 years earlier, I opened a record shop in 2005 in order to create an outlet to the wider world for Bahian musicians, many of them magisterial but unknown.
David Dye & Kim Junod for NPR found us (above), and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (he's a huge jazz fan), David Byrne, Oscar Castro-Neves... Spike Lee walked past the place while I was sitting on the stoop across the street drinking beer and listening to samba from the speaker in the window...
But we weren't exactly easy for the world-at-large to get to. So in order to extend the place's ethos I transformed the site associated with it into a network wherein Brazilian musicians I knew would recommend other Brazilian musicians, who would recommend others...
And as I anticipated, the chalky hand of God-as-mathematician intervened: In human society — per the small-world phenomenon — most of the billions of us on earth are within some 6 or fewer degrees of each other. Likewise, within a network of interlinked artists as I've described above, most of these artists will in the same manner be at most a handful of steps away from each other.
So then, all that's necessary to put the Bahians and other Brazilians within possible purview of the wide wide world is to include them among a wide wide range of artists around that world.
If, for example, Quincy Jones is inside the matrix (people who have passed are not removed), then anybody on his page — whether they be accessing from a campus in L.A., a pub in Dublin, a shebeen in Cape Town, a tent in Mongolia — will be close, transitable steps away from Raymundo Sodré, even if they know nothing of Brazil and are unaware that Sodré sings/dances upon this planet. Sodré, having been knocked from the perch of fame and ground into anonymity by Brazil's dictatorship, has now the alternative of access to the world-at-large via recourse to the vast potential of network theory. the degree that other artists et al — writers, researchers, filmmakers, painters, choreographers...everywhere — do also. Artificial intelligence not required. Real intelligence, yes.
Years ago in NYC I "rescued" unpaid royalties (performance & mechanical) for artists/composers including Barbra Streisand, Aretha Franklin, Mongo Santamaria, Jim Hall, Clement "Coxsone" Dodd (for his rights in Bob Marley compositions; Clement was Bob's first producer), Led Zeppelin, Ray Barretto, Philip Glass and many others. Aretha called me out of the blue vis-à-vis money owed by Atlantic Records. Allen Klein (managed The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Ray Charles) called about money due the estate of Sam Cooke. Jerry Ragovoy (Time Is On My Side, Piece of My Heart) called just to see if he had any unpaid money floating around out there (the royalty world was a shark-filled jungle, to mangle metaphors, and I doubt it's changed).
But the pertinent client (and friend) in the present context is Earl "Speedo" Carroll, of The Cadillacs. Earl went from doo-wopping on Harlem streetcorners to chart-topping success to working as a custodian at PS 87 elementary school on the west side of Manhattan. Through all of this he never lost what made him great.
Greatness and fame are too often conflated. The former should be accessible independently of the latter.
Matrix founding creators are behind "one of 10 of the best (radios) around the world", per The Guardian.
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